
Course template

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago

Information for XX 102:




Section 1: Overview


Class meets XXXXXXX at XX:XX pm in Classroom XX of the XXXXX Building

This is an online resource for students participating in the class.


Professor David Dault, Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology


My office is on the second floor of the Library.

Office Hours this Spring: XXXX and by appointment


You can email me at david <dot> dault <at> gmail <dot> com (you'll need to type in this address yourself.  I wrote it this way to avoid getting spammed by web bots)

When writing me, please put XX XXX in the subject line



Section 2: Texts



The following texts are required for the course


  • Holy Bible (versions with chapter and verses, please.  No paraphrase Bibles)



To print the online texts (when there are such texts assigned in the course) - I would recommend going to the 'File' menu and selecting 'Print Preview' - you should then see the text laid out properly for standard paper. Look to make sure words aren't being cut off on the edges in the preview. From there you can press 'Print' and all should be well. If cut-offs are happening you will need to find out how to adjust that particular machine's settings, or another option would be to 'Select all' in the edit menu, and copy and paste the text into a Word document and print from there.


Some tips on reading academic texts


Purpose of the class:


You will be responsible for knowing and understanding the content of the assigned textbooks, content of the lectures, and class discussions. Class participation will be a significant portion of your final grade.


By the end of the course a successful student will have


Details about the written assignments will be given in class and posted as hyperlinks in the schedule below.  Please refer back to this website as the course proceeds for updated information.



Section 3: Class Schedule








Section 4: Expectations



  1. Please bring a Bible to every class meeting.  Feel free to bring whatever translation you feel comfortable with, with the exception of paraphrase Bibles (we need chapters and verses) - the more variety, the better.

  3. Please complete the reading and writing assignments for each class before you arrive.  Please be on time.  Roll will be taken.  In accordance with ABC school policy, students are allowed one (1) absence during the semester.  Any further absence will result in academic penalties in accord with the school policy: "Each subsequent absence above the allotted number ... may cause the total grade to be lowered by 1/3 of a letter grade until the grade 'F' is reached." 


  4. Please do not use your cell phones during class.  If you must bring them, leave them off, or - better yet - leave them in your car or at home.

  6. In accordance with the Aberican Baptist College Student Academic Dishonesty Policy (from the 2008 course catalog, reproduced below), it is expected that the work done in your name for this class will be your work alone.  There will be no tolerance for the giving or receiving of unauthorized help on any assignment for credit in this course.  It is certainly acceptable to work together, study together, and discuss material for the course.  However, cheating, 'cribbing' and plagiarism will result in severe academic consequences.  If you have any questions regarding this expectation, ask.

  8. There will be no 'extra credit' assignments offered outside of the sceduled tests, nor will late work be accepted.  The final grade of this course will be based solely upon the work completed during the semester.  No additional assignments during or after the class will be accepted as a means of "boosting" the final grade.  Unless prior arrangements are made and confirmed by the professor at least 48 hours in advance of the midterm or final, absence from class on either testing day will result in a grade of -0- for the test, resulting in probable failure of the course.  Again, all grades as reported at the close of the Fall semester are final and will not be changed.






American Baptist College acknowledges the need to preserve an orderly process with regard to teaching, research, and

public service, as well as the need to preserve and monitor students’ academic rights and responsibilities. Since the

primary goal of education is to increase one’s own knowledge, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated at American

Baptist College. Possible consequences of academic dishonesty, depending on the seriousness of the offense, may range

from a revision of an assignment, and or a reprimand, a written reprimand, an F or zero for grade work, removal from the

course with a grade of F, to possible suspension or exclusion from the College. Academic dishonesty includes the

following examples, as well as similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to academic



a. Cheating on an examination;


b. Collaborating with others in work to be presented, contrary to the stated rules of the course;


c. Plagiarizing, including the submission of their ideas of papers or information from the internet,

(whether purchased, borrowed, or otherwise obtained) as one’s own. When direct quotations are

used in themes, essays, term papers, tests, book reviews, and other similar work, they must be

indicated; and when the ideas of another are incorporated in any paper, they must be

acknowledged, according to a style of documentation appropriate to the discipline;


d. Stealing examination(s) or course materials(s);


e. Falsifying records, laboratory results, or other data;


f. Submitting, if contrary to the rules of a course, work previously presented in another course;


g. Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above, including assistance in

an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is

submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is

submitted or performed. Students’ accused of academic dishonesty may appeal through the

Student Academic Dishonesty Procedures in effect at American Baptist College.






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