
Notes on Eucharist

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 9 months ago

Theology of the Eucharist at Carthage: "Become what you recieve": The church is the bride of Christ and it is Christ


Antiochenes: live like Christ, and the Eucharist empowers this.


Africans thinking: what do you have to do to be the church?  Can you stop being the Church?  This is also a supersessionist wing of the church.  The loss of temple in Jerusalem served a s a warning to Christians.  What do yo have to do to be Church?  Decided God is never going to abandon the Church - though some within the Church are abandoned... We are all sinners... The first sins we must talk about are our sins, then look at the sins of others.  Who is the real church?  Only God knows.  Augustine: you see all the Christians by looking at the body.  You cannot name them, but look at the bread: this is where Christ is, and Christ and the church are inseparable.  Mary was the entry point: Jesus became everyone by becoming someone. 


Jesus becomes all humans - the first manifestation of that "becoming all humans" is being troubled at Corinth.  LOOK AT CORINTHIANS FOR THIS.


Eucharist is sign and presence of Christ and the true church.  Hence Augustine: Become what you receive.  If you do not receive everyone, you do not receive Jesus.  Before you eat, you must forgive and pass the peace.  Jesus doesn't come alone.  If it wasn't weird, it wouldn;t be worth believing it, for God's sake (Burns)

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